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Max People : 12
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・08:00 Pick up from your hotel in Cusco ・08:30, we will stop at Oropesa, the famous souvenir of the town of Cusco, the "Corta bread", and enjoy delicious freshly baked bread made in a large stone oven. ・09:00: Visit the Inca ruins of Tipón, located 25 kilometers southeast of the city of Cusco. It is one of the finest Andenes (agricultural terraces), fed by springs from the high peaks of Apu Pacatusan, and is believed to have been a royal garden commissioned by Emperor Wiracocha. There is also an archaeological complex of temples, irrigation canals and aqueducts. ・10:00 am, then transfer to the ruins of Piquillacta (meaning "flea village" in Quechua) near Lake Huacalpai. The adobe complex was built by the Huari (pre-Incan) culture between 700 and 900 AD and served as a checkpoint, with the Incan ruins known as Rumikolca just a few meters away. Archaeological center with stone architectural levels made with lime and plaster. ・11:00, head further south to the town of Andahuaillas and visit the Church of San Pedro de Andahuaillas, also known as the American Sistine Chapel due to its baroque decoration. ・12:00: Departure to Cusco. Your guide will transfer you to your hotel in Cusco. ・13:00 Arrival at the hotel. *Optionally, you can also visit the pre-Inca ruins of Pucará, which are located at a higher altitude than the Tipón ruins. *Optionally, you can also visit the Rakuchi Archaeological Complex and the Wiracocha Temple.

Chonta Valle del Cóndor, Killa Rumiyoq, Tarahuasi

Killa Rumiyoq

Significa «piedra lunar» y es un edificio religioso que representa a «Mama Kirya» (Madre Luna) ubicado en el distrito de Anta de la provincia de Ankawasi.

Utilizados como andenes (terrazas agrícolas), nichos y antiguos templos (lugares ceremoniales) donde se construían divinidades femeninas y el calendario astronómico.

Se piensa que. Hoy en día, todavía se realizan una serie de rituales relacionados con la agricultura, la fertilidad y el agua en honor a la Madre Luna.

Ruinas de Tarahuasi en Limatambo

Limatambo es un pueblo ubicado en la región del Cusco (2.557 m sobre el nivel del mar) en el distrito de Limatambo de la provincia de Anta y también es la capital de la región de Limatambo. Tarahuasi es el nombre de una ruina ubicada en el distrito de Limatambo, cerca de la frontera con el departamento de Apurímac, y se cree que sirvió como ciudad postal y centro ceremonial en el camino a Chinchaisuyo en el norte del Imperio Inca. El templo principal se basaba en una estructura rectangular de piedra conocida como Ushnu y tenía una función religiosa. Las piedras utilizadas en la construcción de Tarahuasi están talladas en formas octogonales y están hechas en base al estilo arquitectónico inca (celda de roca) de granito finamente pulido para que las juntas encajen perfectamente sin espacios, y la estructura de la ventana alcance el tamaño humano y También está tallada con motivos florales.

El nombre «Tarahuasi» proviene de dos palabras quechuas: «Tara» significa arbusto nativo (Caesalpinia spinosa) y águila significa hogar. La altitud es de 2675 m y el clima es generalmente cálido, con una temperatura promedio de 17 °C.

Plataforma de Observación Valle del Cóndor Chonta

Garganta del Cóndor es una reserva natural para el cóndor andino, llamado ave sagrada de los Incas, donde se puede admirar el majestuoso vuelo del cóndor en su hábitat natural, las hermosas vistas del impresionante Valle del Apurímac, que tiene más de 1500 metros de profundidad y A 3350 metros sobre el nivel del mar. Se puede observar desde el Mirador Chonta. El cóndor es el ave voladora más grande y fue considerado sagrado como mensajero espiritual de los Andes durante la época de los Incas. Es un nuevo destino turístico para los observadores de aves, especialmente los amantes de los cóndores. También podrás ver águilas, halcones, cernícalos y colibríes.

Alrededor de las 2pm esperamos que los cóndores regresen a sus nidos luego de completar sus actividades diarias. Hay más de 100 cóndores en la reserva y probablemente verás al menos 10 en vuelo.

*No se recomienda participar en este tour durante la temporada de lluvias de diciembre a abril. Cuando llueve, los cóndores generalmente no son avistados a menos que tengas suerte ese día (no hay garantía de que veas uno).


Detalles de tour

・08:00 Pick up from your hotel in Cusco ・08:30, we will stop at Oropesa, the famous souvenir of the town of Cusco, the "Corta bread", and enjoy delicious freshly baked bread made in a large stone oven. ・09:00: Visit the Inca ruins of Tipón, located 25 kilometers southeast of the city of Cusco. It is one of the finest Andenes (agricultural terraces), fed by springs from the high peaks of Apu Pacatusan, and is believed to have been a royal garden commissioned by Emperor Wiracocha. There is also an archaeological complex of temples, irrigation canals and aqueducts. ・10:00 am, then transfer to the ruins of Piquillacta (meaning "flea village" in Quechua) near Lake Huacalpai. The adobe complex was built by the Huari (pre-Incan) culture between 700 and 900 AD and served as a checkpoint, with the Incan ruins known as Rumikolca just a few meters away. Archaeological center with stone architectural levels made with lime and plaster. ・11:00, head further south to the town of Andahuaillas and visit the Church of San Pedro de Andahuaillas, also known as the American Sistine Chapel due to its baroque decoration. ・12:00: Departure to Cusco. Your guide will transfer you to your hotel in Cusco. ・13:00 Arrival at the hotel. *Optionally, you can also visit the pre-Inca ruins of Pucará, which are located at a higher altitude than the Tipón ruins. *Optionally, you can also visit the Rakuchi Archaeological Complex and the Wiracocha Temple.

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・08:00 Pick up from your hotel in Cusco ・08:30, we will stop at Oropesa, the famous souvenir of the town of Cusco, the "Corta bread", and enjoy delicious freshly baked bread made in a large stone oven. ・09:00: Visit the Inca ruins of Tipón, located 25 kilometers southeast of the city of Cusco. It is one of the finest Andenes (agricultural terraces), fed by springs from the high peaks of Apu Pacatusan, and is believed to have been a royal garden commissioned by Emperor Wiracocha. There is also an archaeological complex of temples, irrigation canals and aqueducts. ・10:00 am, then transfer to the ruins of Piquillacta (meaning "flea village" in Quechua) near Lake Huacalpai. The adobe complex was built by the Huari (pre-Incan) culture between 700 and 900 AD and served as a checkpoint, with the Incan ruins known as Rumikolca just a few meters away. Archaeological center with stone architectural levels made with lime and plaster. ・11:00, head further south to the town of Andahuaillas and visit the Church of San Pedro de Andahuaillas, also known as the American Sistine Chapel due to its baroque decoration. ・12:00: Departure to Cusco. Your guide will transfer you to your hotel in Cusco. ・13:00 Arrival at the hotel. *Optionally, you can also visit the pre-Inca ruins of Pucará, which are located at a higher altitude than the Tipón ruins. *Optionally, you can also visit the Rakuchi Archaeological Complex and the Wiracocha Temple.
