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Max People : 12
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・08:00 Pick up from your hotel in Cusco ・08:30, we will stop at Oropesa, the famous souvenir of the town of Cusco, the "Corta bread", and enjoy delicious freshly baked bread made in a large stone oven. ・09:00: Visit the Inca ruins of Tipón, located 25 kilometers southeast of the city of Cusco. It is one of the finest Andenes (agricultural terraces), fed by springs from the high peaks of Apu Pacatusan, and is believed to have been a royal garden commissioned by Emperor Wiracocha. There is also an archaeological complex of temples, irrigation canals and aqueducts. ・10:00 am, then transfer to the ruins of Piquillacta (meaning "flea village" in Quechua) near Lake Huacalpai. The adobe complex was built by the Huari (pre-Incan) culture between 700 and 900 AD and served as a checkpoint, with the Incan ruins known as Rumikolca just a few meters away. Archaeological center with stone architectural levels made with lime and plaster. ・11:00, head further south to the town of Andahuaillas and visit the Church of San Pedro de Andahuaillas, also known as the American Sistine Chapel due to its baroque decoration. ・12:00: Departure to Cusco. Your guide will transfer you to your hotel in Cusco. ・13:00 Arrival at the hotel. *Optionally, you can also visit the pre-Inca ruins of Pucará, which are located at a higher altitude than the Tipón ruins. *Optionally, you can also visit the Rakuchi Archaeological Complex and the Wiracocha Temple.

Paucartambo, Watocto, ruinas de Chulpa de Ninamarca

El pueblo de Paucartambo, ubicado a 109 km (2 horas y 30 minutos en auto) de la ciudad del Cusco, fue un importante punto militar durante la época incaica como punto de comercio entre la capital Cusco y la Antisuille (región selvática). un centro de abastecimiento. Posteriormente se convirtió en el centro comercial de la región durante el período colonial y ahora es la capital del departamento de Paucartambo.

El pueblo está ubicado en un valle a una altitud de 2.906 metros, por donde pasa el río Paucartambo y se une al río Kenkomayu.

Se caracteriza por una arquitectura colonial, con calles estrechas y adoquinadas bordeadas de casas blancas y balcones azules.

Su nombre proviene del vocablo quechua Pawqar Tampu (colorido pueblo de correos), y entre sus principales atractivos turísticos se encuentran el Puente Carlos III de la época colonial y la Fiesta de la Mamacha Carmen, su patrona, que se celebra a mediados de julio “Iglesia de San Pedro”. Carmen.

Complejo Arqueológico Watokuto

A 112 km al noreste de la ciudad de Cusco (2 horas 40 minutos en auto). A 2.930 metros sobre el nivel del mar, se accede al sitio a través de una hermosa puerta de doble marco y presenta una gran estructura rectangular a modo de templo con hornacinas trapezoidales, flanqueada por estructuras rectangulares y cuadradas de varios tamaños. ver la estructura circular «QOSQO».

Estos complejos arqueológicos fueron una de las posadas (instalaciones de alojamiento) en Tambo (pueblo de correos) utilizadas durante la época inca, y al mismo tiempo servían para facilitar la distribución de mercancías y el flujo de personas hacia el Cusco, capital del Incas. También fue el centro de administración.

El complejo está ubicado estratégicamente hacia la Cuenca del Río Mapacho.

Chulpa de Ninamaruka

La Chulpa (estructura funeraria: mausoleo dedicado a un personaje muy importante, también conocido como Mitamaya), construida durante el período Preincaico, está ubicada a 83 km (2 horas en auto) al noreste de la ciudad de Cusco, entre Cusco y Paucartambo, a más de 3,730 metros sobre el nivel del mar. Se encuentra a pie de carretera. Se desarrolló a orillas del lago Titicaca tras la decadencia del imperio Tihuanaco-Wari.

Construido por el pueblo lupaka, grupo cultural aymara, es de forma cilíndrica, la mampostería (juntas de piedra) está unida mediante mortero de barro, grava y paja, y está construido en poliedros irregulares, en buen estado23. Consta del mausoleo libre original y Siete mausoleos en estado de ruina.

El tamaño es de 2,50 a 1,00 metros, la altura es de 0,80 a 1,60 metros y el diámetro es de 1,60 metros. La mayoría de las puertas miran al norte y el techo de la chulpa es cónico (arcoado), que se utiliza para proteger las paredes. Tiene una visera (techo voladizo) que sobresale del cuerpo principal de la chulpa a modo de alero. En el lado sur de todo el complejo hay un muro que encierra 30 chulpas y ofrece una vista panorámica de todo el valle al norte del río Mapacho.


Detalles de tour

・08:00 Pick up from your hotel in Cusco ・08:30, we will stop at Oropesa, the famous souvenir of the town of Cusco, the "Corta bread", and enjoy delicious freshly baked bread made in a large stone oven. ・09:00: Visit the Inca ruins of Tipón, located 25 kilometers southeast of the city of Cusco. It is one of the finest Andenes (agricultural terraces), fed by springs from the high peaks of Apu Pacatusan, and is believed to have been a royal garden commissioned by Emperor Wiracocha. There is also an archaeological complex of temples, irrigation canals and aqueducts. ・10:00 am, then transfer to the ruins of Piquillacta (meaning "flea village" in Quechua) near Lake Huacalpai. The adobe complex was built by the Huari (pre-Incan) culture between 700 and 900 AD and served as a checkpoint, with the Incan ruins known as Rumikolca just a few meters away. Archaeological center with stone architectural levels made with lime and plaster. ・11:00, head further south to the town of Andahuaillas and visit the Church of San Pedro de Andahuaillas, also known as the American Sistine Chapel due to its baroque decoration. ・12:00: Departure to Cusco. Your guide will transfer you to your hotel in Cusco. ・13:00 Arrival at the hotel. *Optionally, you can also visit the pre-Inca ruins of Pucará, which are located at a higher altitude than the Tipón ruins. *Optionally, you can also visit the Rakuchi Archaeological Complex and the Wiracocha Temple.

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・08:00 Pick up from your hotel in Cusco ・08:30, we will stop at Oropesa, the famous souvenir of the town of Cusco, the "Corta bread", and enjoy delicious freshly baked bread made in a large stone oven. ・09:00: Visit the Inca ruins of Tipón, located 25 kilometers southeast of the city of Cusco. It is one of the finest Andenes (agricultural terraces), fed by springs from the high peaks of Apu Pacatusan, and is believed to have been a royal garden commissioned by Emperor Wiracocha. There is also an archaeological complex of temples, irrigation canals and aqueducts. ・10:00 am, then transfer to the ruins of Piquillacta (meaning "flea village" in Quechua) near Lake Huacalpai. The adobe complex was built by the Huari (pre-Incan) culture between 700 and 900 AD and served as a checkpoint, with the Incan ruins known as Rumikolca just a few meters away. Archaeological center with stone architectural levels made with lime and plaster. ・11:00, head further south to the town of Andahuaillas and visit the Church of San Pedro de Andahuaillas, also known as the American Sistine Chapel due to its baroque decoration. ・12:00: Departure to Cusco. Your guide will transfer you to your hotel in Cusco. ・13:00 Arrival at the hotel. *Optionally, you can also visit the pre-Inca ruins of Pucará, which are located at a higher altitude than the Tipón ruins. *Optionally, you can also visit the Rakuchi Archaeological Complex and the Wiracocha Temple.
